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Paris Karounos

Mike Papaphotes
AHEPA Empire State District 6

About a Greek American....

Alex Spanos

He has greatly contributed to the spirit of Hellenism and Greek Culture across the globe. He has used his wealth and power to do a manifold of good works that have greatly benefitted the unfortunate of Greek and non-Greek decent. Throughout his book, he expresses his pride for his heritage and his joy of being a de facto ambassador for Greek culture around the world.

Alex Spanos was born into a working class family of Greek immigrants. He had numerous trials and tribulations with money and started working at a young age for his Father. This working experience grounded him, showing him the pains and rewards of a hard day's work. While working with his Father he learned the value of family and how important it was to everyday survival. The Spanos family was protypical for many Greek families coming to America in that era. They were poor but always had each other to support in lean and harsh times. Once Mr. Spanos acccumulated his wealth, he did not hesitate to share it with his family and society. He states in his memoir, "I am as passionate about giving to my family as I am to giving to my world. Most successful individuals wait until after their death to give their children their inheritance. I believe in living inheritance." He did not fear giving something away, whether it was personal or monetary. For instance he let his son take over operations of the San Diego Chargers because he felt his son was better equipped for the job.

Alex Spanos was an itegral part of the Greek community, almost larger than life. He married Faye, a young woman whom he met in Tarpon Springs, Florida. In addition, many of his business partners were of Greek decent because he felt strongly in the promotion and progress of the Greek people. He and his partners looked out for and trusted each other which is a contributing reason why he became such a successful businessman. He also got his start in the business world with the help of other fellow Greek Americans.

This man has donated both his money and time to various projects both at home in Stockton, California and in Greece. He took advice that his Mother gave him as a young boy, "Do something good and then throw it in the ocean. Don't brag about it." Alex Spanos was a living testament to the meaning of this proverb. He did not need to get recognized for each good deed. His actions were a showcase to his humble nature and people took notice.

Though he never would have expected it, Alex Spanos left an indelible mark in this world. The young baker, who was too poor to afford much of anything, transformed himself into a multi-millionaire all the while never forgetting his Greek heritage and his humble beginnings. He shared his wealth, thereby exhibiting to the world the decency and integrity of the Greek people.

Alex Spanos - born September 28, 1923 in Stockton, California

An Eastern Orthodox Christian

A Republican

He served in the military US Army

His wife Faye Papafaklis - born in August 1948

Two sons, Dean and Michael

Two daughters, Dea and Alexis

He attended University of the Pacific

Owner, since 1984 of the San Diego Chargers

Owner of the A.G. Spanos Companies

Written for our District by Dennis Demetropoulos - District Lodge 2008-2009